
Kemp Town Enclosures - Banner 1

The freehold of the Enclosures was bought on behalf of the residents of the estate for just £100 in 1995. For the full extraordinary story of how it came about see The Kemp Town Bicentennial Book 1823-2023.

The local historian Anthony Dale lived on the Estate and wrote a pocket-sized ‘History’ which has since been updated to the early 1990s. This can be purchased, price £3, from the office of Jonathan Rolls, agents for the company Kemp Town Enclosures Limited.

What follows is just a short summary

The History of the Estate & Gardens

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Your Board Needs You!

Since the AGM in 2023, we have lost four key members from the Board of Directors.

The Board therefore welcomes residents interested in joining the board to submit their CV and a statement of what their skills would contribute to the skill set of the board by the 24th of March.

The Board would also welcome enquiries and would be happy to discuss what being a member of the Board of KTE entails,
in advance of the submission deadline.