“We do also have quite a few smaller animal burials (like hamsters),” Jeremy writes. “I don’t mind that in itself of course, except where people create a little patch and put in unsuitable plants without asking. I then don’t know it is a burial sight until I dig it over.
“Then we have the regular ashes from what I can only assume (because of the volume) are human. They are often left in a pile next to a bench or under a bush. We probably get at least 10 a year. I would prefer it if people talked to me about ashes and I could advise them how and where to put them. After all I don’t think people really want their loved ones being in a pile with several other people, or end up being washed off my boots.
“I also don’t think they want their dear pets going into the communal bins.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]